Soul Spice: A Blend of Design and Taste

Chrish Knigge's Award-Winning Packaging Design for Soul Spice

Spices, once valued as gold, are the inspiration behind Chrish Knigge's award-winning packaging design for Soul Spice. The design reflects the exotic origins of the spices and the brand's sustainable philosophy, creating a unique, premium feel that stands out in the market.

Spices come from various parts of the globe, each with its unique cultural art and history. Chrish Knigge, the designer behind the Soul Spice packaging, aimed to capture these elements in the design. The patterns, reminiscent of Indian, African, and Moroccan art, reflect the spices' places of origin. The design also emphasizes the brand's motto, "Taste That Matters," focusing on the joy of good food, sharing, and responsible living.

What sets Soul Spice's packaging apart is its premium feel, which reflects the inherent value and colorfulness of the spices. Unlike traditional spice brands, Studio Grau, under the art direction of Chrish Knigge, created a design that highlights the brand's sustainable and organic approach. Each spice has a unique, hand-drawn pattern, and the packaging provides enough visibility to ensure the product's quality is immediately apparent to the consumer.

The realization of this design involved an extensive development phase. Each pattern was hand-drawn, and various layout approaches were tested. The team chose glass containers to reflect the valuable nature of the spices. After selecting the perfect containers, the labels were printed, and the first prototypes were created.

The design process was not without its challenges. The spice producers had a long history and tradition, and it was crucial to highlight the stories of the farmers and their spice-growing methods. Balancing the heavy history behind the brand and the spice itself was a challenge that the team successfully overcame.

The Soul Spice packaging design was awarded the Golden A' Food, Beverage and Culinary Arts Design Award in 2017. This prestigious award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. These are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Chrish Knigge
Image Credits: Studio Grau
Project Team Members: Artdirection: Chrish Knigge Designer: Hannes Häfner
Project Name: SoulSpice
Project Client: Chrish Knigge

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